Useful Resources for Students
About Hertswood Academy
World-Class Ambitions: Our ambition is to provide a world-class educational environment for our community. We have the highest aspirations for all students and will ensure they achieve the best possible outcomes, through outstanding teaching, an engaging curriculum and quality care and support.
Ready To Succeed: Our students will develop resilience, will be literate and numerate and be ready for the challenges they will face in modern society. We have a clear expectation for our students to work hard, behave well and act with integrity so that they grow as confident individuals, responsible citizens and successful independent learners. Well-equipped for higher education and employment, our students will develop leadership skills and be ambitious for their future learning opportunities and career goals.
Accomplish Through Effort: As a fully inclusive academy within our community, we are committed to the principle of a ‘growth mindset’ in that, no matter where one starts from, great accomplishments are possible through dedication and effort. We believe that all barriers can be overcome through our determination to succeed and the learning strategies we employ.
Achievement For All: We respect and value all members of our community, ensuring a safe, happy and secure learning environment to foster high self-esteem for all. As lifelong learners, Hertswood Academy staff are role models for our students, continually developing their own practice and inspiring the community to aim high and achieve excellence.
Hertswood Values
As our students develop into young adults it is part of our role to help them to develop the habits which will enable them to participate in daily life beyond education. At Hertswood we have adopted the values of:
Code of Conduct
Good personal conduct by students in and around the Academy is very important as it contributes to the health, safety and well-being of all members of the school community.
1. We expect you to be at school and lessons on time.
2. Swearing and using foul, inappropriate or offensive language is totally unacceptable.
3. Act politely, respectfully and courteously to every member of the school community at all times whether inside or outside the classroom.
4. Ensure that you are in the correct uniform. No exaggerated hairstyles, natural colours only.
5. Ensure you have the correct equipment and books for your lessons.
6. Always do as you are asked when you are asked by an adult member of the school community.
7. Food and drink should only be consumed in the canteen areas.
8. Keep our environment clean and tidy.
9. Students are not to consume or be in possession of tobacco, including e-cigarettes, lighters, aerosols, dangerous weapons, fireworks, alcohol or illegal substances whilst at school, on the way to school or on school journeys/trips.
10. Chewing gum is not permitted in any part of the school.
11. Mobile phones, headphones, smart watches and other electronic devices will no longer be allowed in school. Students who bring phones for use on their journeys to or from school must deposit phones in Reception where they will be held securely during the school day. Mobile phones, headphones, smart watches and other electronic devices brought onto the school premises and not deposited in Reception will be confiscated (please see information regarding confiscated items below) and parents will have to collect them. In order to ensure that no such devices are brought into school, students will be scanned using an electronic scanning device to search for electronic devices. Students may contact parents via school phones in an emergency. The Academy will not accept responsibility for loss or damage to student property.
12. It is an offence, under the law, to falsely set off a fire alarm. To do so can cause injury or death to people in the building.
13. If you have to leave class you should have written permission in your Planner or an EXEAT pass.
14. You should remain on the school site during the day unless you have permission to leave from a senior member of staff or Head of Learning. If you leave the site you MUST sign out at Reception.
15. Appropriate use of the school’s ICT facilities is clearly outlined in the contract that has been signed by all students and parents.
16. Damage/vandalism to Academy property will not be tolerated under any circumstances. In the event of any damage caused, the Academy will obtain an estimate for repair and reinstatement. The Academy will require full reimbursement for any necessary expenditure.
17. Fighting or ‘play-fighting’ is not allowed under any circumstances.
18. The Academy reserves the right to take any reasonable action as a result of breaking its rules and regulations by any student, when he/she is on or off site, for example to and from school, content posted on the internet and school trips. This includes taking sanctions up to and including permanent exclusion for students whose actions bring the Academy into disrepute and/or where there is a link between maintaining good behaviour and discipline among the student body as a whole.
Items forbidden in this Code of Conduct may be searched for, confiscated, and retained by the academy for up to six weeks. All confiscated items must be collected by a parent or carer, however, the academy may be required to hand certain items such as weapons/illegal substances to the police.
It should be noted that the Academy will not tolerate negative language or actions towards another member of the community and in particular regarding a person’s disability, gender, sexual orientation, race or religion. Neither will it tolerate any kind or means of aggressive/threatening behaviour, verbal or physical abuse of any member of the school community, involvement in drugs related incidents, possession of dangerous weapons or deliberate damage to Academy property. The consequences for breaches of such rules will be severe, up to and including permanent exclusion.
Our Houses
Our Houses, named after the Oxbridge colleges of Darwin, Cavendish, Nuffield and Somerville. Each student is assigned a house and is encouraged to earn House Points.
Cavendish Kestrels
Named after Lady Lucy Cavendish. Gave women opportunities to have an education which had not been available to them in the past.
Darwin Finches
Named after Charles Darwin and his family. Famous influential and important scientist who studied nature and devised the theory of evolution.
Nuffield Goldcrests
Named after Lord Nuffield. Famous motor manufacturer and philanthropist, a wealthy person who gave money to worthy causes.
Somerville Swifts
Named after Mary Somerville. Nineteenth century female scientist. Studied maths and astronomy at a time when women were discouraged from doing so.
Attendance Guidance
If a student is unable to attend school for any reason then notification must be given to the school as soon as possible. In cases of illness, school should be notified on the first day of absence. Telephone calls explaining absence must be supported by a written explanation when students return to school. Please note that the school does not authorise holidays taken during term time.
World Map
As a Hertswood Academy student you must bring the following basic equipment to school every day:
Black or blue pen (and a spare!) - NO thick felt-tip pens
Pencil sharpener
Pencil eraser
For some lessons you may also need to bring:
Protractor or angle measurer
Calculator (basic/scientific)
Coloured pencils / fine fibre-tips
Rough notebook
Dictionary - French and/or Spanish as appropriate
Dictionary - English
Tippex / Liquid Paper / thick felt-tip pens are not allowed in school and must not be used in any schoolwork.
Textbooks and specialised equipment will be issued on loan and students will be required to pay for any loss or damage to school property.
Physical Education Policies and Procedures
ALL PE kit must be clearly marked with the student’s name and form group.
Students will have 2 PE lessons per week from Years 7-11. Students must bring the full PE kit to every lesson. If a student is injured they MUST still bring the full PE kit and put it on. They must also bring a note signed by a parent/carer/guardian which explains the injury/illness. The student will be given an alternative option during the lesson such as being a referee, umpire, coach, assistant to the teacher, help with equipment or to support peers, etc. If a student is still injured/ill in the next lesson they will need another note. If a student needs to be excused from more than 2 PE lessons they will need a doctor’s note to support this. Failure to bring PE it on more than 2 occasions in a half term will result in a PE detention.
Lessons will be taught outdoors throughout the year, students should wear appropriate PE kit for outdoor lessons. The teacher will use their professional judgement with regards to participating in wet and cold conditions.
Valuables (such as wallets, keys, bus passes etc.) can be handed in to the teacher before the lesson, and will be placed in a locked room. Teachers accept no responsibility for any items that are lost.